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Managed Database Applications

Omnicron believes that high-function and peace of mind should not be a trade-off when it comes to managed database services. From supporting and upgrading to patching, monitoring and performance, and tuning on an ongoing basis – our global delivery experts ensure holistic and secure management of database infrastructure.

IT Infratsructure Sustainability

It almost goes without saying that a sound foundational design — a good plan — is the basis of any good IT infrastructure implementation plan. But even the best IT infrastructure plan is not worth much if you don’t have the tools or expertise to do the heavy lifting.

Unlike the days when IT really was fully on-premise, today’s complex IT infrastructure implementations can include dozens of partners and miles of distance between users and their data. Being able to count on a trusted partner in IT management that understands your company’s implementation and service needs is imperative. Omnicron’s IT infrastructure teams are not only experts in IT infrastructure implementation strategy and planning but can also handle all aspects of the physical buildout and stay with you for the life of your infrastructure.

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Our Database Management Services

Our designated consulting engineers provide high-touch service and hands-on support to address your needs and provide added value to your database investment. We are committed to ensuring your databases are both efficient and highly available. We can deliver this vision to your business! We’ll provide infrastructure that represents the highest degree of operational efficiency available to the private industry.

Managed IT Services

As organizations embark on the digital transformation journey, they realize they need to modernize their IT systems and overcome challenges in scaling and managing their IT infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. Omnicron provides a range of Managed IT Services to monitor and support IT systems, applications, and infrastructure 24×7, so organizations can focus on driving their business forward and not worry about the management of their IT foundation that keeps their business running.

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